Eyelid Surgery

Sanderson Eye Clinic

Ophthalmologists & Optometrists located in Edina, MN

Eyelids serve essential functions for overall ocular health, yet you might not think about them until something goes wrong. Numerous conditions require eyelid surgery, and Dr. Jeffrey P. Sanderson at Sanderson Eye Clinic specializes in these surgical procedures. Many men and women from in and around the greater Twin Cities area find relief through eyelid surgery. To schedule an appointment, call the office today.

Eyelid Surgery Q & A

What are benign eyelid conditions?

Many common eyelid problems are benign, meaning they don’t lead to vision loss or loss of life. However, even harmless eyelid issues can dramatically affect your quality of life and should be addressed by an eye health professional.

Blepharitis is one of the most common benign eyelid conditions. This inflammation of the eyelid margin often presents the following symptoms:

  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Crusting along the lash line

Treatment options include warm compresses, antibacterial ointment, and eyelid scrubs.

Chalazion is also a common eyelid condition and appears as small lumps or bumps along your lash line. Chalazion is an obstructed meibomian gland and treatment options include warm compresses, topical antibiotics, or incision and drainage.

Which eyelid conditions require surgery?  

Eyelid cancer is one of the most severe eyelid conditions, including basal cell, squamous, and sebaceous carcinomas, as well as melanoma. When cancerous tumors are present on or in the eyelid, surgical removal is a common treatment approach.

Entropion occurs when your eyelid margin turns inward. Ectropion occurs when the margin turns outward. Both conditions cause redness, irritation, and excessive tearing or discharge.   

Many men and women experience excess eyelid skin or fat deposits as they age. This condition, dermatochalasis, can impede your vision. Dr. Sanderson corrects this issue with a simple surgical procedure.

Blepharoptosis, or drooping eyelids, is also a common age-related issue, although the causes of this condition also include trauma, myasthenia gravis, Horner’s syndrome, or third cranial nerve palsy. Surgery can restore the proper eyelid positioning and improve vision.

What happens after eyelid surgery?

The process begins with careful adherence to preoperative instructions. You should gather all the prescribed medications, artificial tears, gel packs, or other necessary items before the procedure.

Eyelid surgery uses either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The procedure is swift. Once your operation is complete, expect a healing period of seven to 10 days.

You may have some swelling, bruising, or discomfort in the initial 48 hours. Cool compresses and approved pain medications can help.

Follow all postoperative care, including changing bandages and cleaning the area. As with all surgical procedures, men and women with good health will heal faster and have lower rates of complications.

To learn if eyelid surgery is a good fit for your needs, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sanderson as soon as possible.